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To start earning free products, upload a photo, scan or screenshot of your receipt or confirmation email showing you purchased a participating product.

Upload Receipt

Donec facilisis, ex non facilisis lobortis, augue neque euismod lectus, a semper urna lectus quis odio. Quisque quis dignissim quam. Nunc in odio lectus nullam. Aenean suscipit nisl nisl, a molestie purus faucibus elementum.

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Please register/login to start uploading.


How many purchases are required to receive a free product?

Please refer to the chart below for participating products and the number of units that must be purchased to receive your reward.

Products Size Purchases Required for Free Product
Acti-Flex® Quart 4
Acti-Flex® Gallon 4
Acti-Flex® Powder 5-lb Bag 4
Acti-Flex® Pellets 80-Day EZE-Go Packs 4
Acti-Flex® Senior 6-lb Refill Bag 4
Acti-Flex® K9 Chews 30-Day Bag 5
STP® Pellets 80-Day EZE-Go Packs 4
Gastroade® Pellets 40-Day EZE-Go Packs 4
Gain Weight 10-lb Refill Bag 5
Hoof Secret® 9-lb Bag 4
Ex-Cell 150-g Jar 4
Ex-Cell 600-g Jar 4

Send My Reward!

Once you've purchased the required quantity of a specific participating product, you're ready to claim your reward. Log in to your account and complete the form below to request your free product (one form per requested reward). Thank you for your loyalty!

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